Wednesday, December 19, 2012

"Storm Passing"

This little painting is on my easel - just started today - it's the result of a "happy accident".
It was the starting of the next painting you'll see but I wasn't happy with the blue ground color for a fall painting.  So I ditched it and started another canvas...a friend saw this one and thought it would work as a winter scene - so I'm going for it - I'll post it again when it's done. 

9" x 12" oil

"A Change of Seasons"

When summer is winding down and fall is on the way there's about a week (maybe two) when the chamisa is in full bloom and just screaming to be painted - this old church is just north of Taos in Arroyo Seco.

12" x 16" oil

"Valdito Summer"

This little painting came to me very quickly and was so much fun to do.  It's framed and hanging in the Student's show Rich is having at his studio/gallery.

9" x 12" oil

"Drifted Snow"

More snow!!  I painted this one on the day before Thanksgiving in my class...somehow it reminded me of the song "Over the River and through the Woods to Grandmother's House we go!!

11" x 14" oil

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

"Winter Wonderland"

I think it's supposed to snow here this weekend and I must be excited about that because I seem to be in the mood to paint snow.  I started this painting last fall and today decided to turn it into a winter wonderland.

9" x 12" original oil painting

"View from my Studio Window"

This painting was started last year but not finished.  Today I decided to add a little more snow and call it done.

7" x 9" original oil painting

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

"Wednesday Morning"

Titles are not always easy.  I painted this still life on a Wednesday morning in Rich's class, so there's where it comes from.  Anyway, this little piece is up for auction this coming Friday (11/9) for a radio station fundraiser in Alamosa, Colorado!! 

8" x 8" original oil painting

"Snowfall on Mabel's House"

It's (hopefully) going to snow soon here in Taos and so I wanted to paint something for the season.  I painted this little gem last Wednesday in my class with Rich from a photograph he had in his library.

8" x 10" original oil painting

"Morning Under the John Dunn Bridge"

This was painted on location with my Thursday painting group.  My painting doesn't do any justice to how beautiful it was to get there at about 8:30 in the morning and witness the sun coming up over this magnificent part of the Rio Grande Gorge.  It absolutely took my breath away!

12" x 16" original oil painting

"On the way to Wheeler Peak"

This was painted one (very cold) morning with my Thursday group of artist friends.  Very popular hike up in the Taos Ski Valley - it was pretty much the very last of the aspens changing.

12" x 16" original oil painting

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

"A Summer in Blumy's Garden"

As many of you know I've been studying for the past few months with an amazing painter, Richard Alan
Nichols.  He's awesome.  Anyway, for the past eight weeks or so I've been able to have my Wednesday
class in the morning, painting outside all around the hacienda where Ernest Blumenschein lived and painted
years ago.  These are not necessarily in the exact order that they were painted, although this was the first
one...I've grouped them all together since they are part of a series.  Enjoy!

"La Loma Blossoms"

This is a painting that I did in the spring when the apple blossoms were in full swing around Taos.
This particular orchard is on Camino Abajo de la Loma down in Ranchos where I used to live.

18" x 24" oil on canvas.......$350.00

Friday, April 20, 2012

"Hanging Out"

This painting is still on the easel - it's obviously not finished but I'm posting it anyway.   I'm anxious to share what I've been up to.  I've been studying with Rich for about a month now and have noticed a big change in how I paint and have gotten great feed-back from other painters....I'm excited to hear what you think!

"Snow Melt"

Here it is spring time and I find myself painting snow!  It's just that I've been wanting to paint water!!

"Spring Thaw"

I guess I've been on a water and rock kind of a kick lately.  This painting will be framed real soon and will be in the gallery here or in Denver.  I've been painting with a palette knife lately and it really works great for getting some texture.

"Taos Moonrise"

I painted this one from a photograph one night in my class.  Had never done a nocturne painting before but I think it turned out alright.

"Dancing Girl"

Every once in a while I'll stray away from a landscape or a still life and try something different.  Found this photo in the studio and gave it a shot. 

"Tea Cup with Forsythia"

Did this little still life in my Wednesday night class.  It's going to be getting framed and be in the gallery here or maybe Denver. 

"Golden Pasture"

This pasture scene is from Karen's house where I used to beautiful in the fall with all of the flowers!  This painting is framed and in Denver right now.

"snow day"

"First Snow"

Started this painting late in the afternoon sometime in October from my front porch and finished it one night at my class - it's framed and hanging in the gallery now

"Behind Ledoux"

This beautiful little scene is on a very narrow dirt road that runs behind Ledoux Street in Taos, which is where the gallery is located.