Saturday, February 26, 2011

"Three Hotties"

These little peppers were bought specifically for painting experiment with mixing different colors of orange..there are so many!  Eating them will be another story (if it happens at all) because these little guys are HOT!

"Ten Minute Apples"

This was a quick exercise I did in order to get the "paints" flowing's a ten minute challenge.  The object is to divide the canvas into four parts and pick one object to paint four times, for ten minutes each.
So this was a forty minute painting.  Working on a time frame really forces you to gather visual shapes and
values and get them down with minimal "fuss".  I'm aiming to do a ten minute challenge once a week.

Monday, February 21, 2011

"Monet with Daisies" SOLD

I went missing for a while......I've been trying to finish up this portrait for a friend.  Although I did have a lot of fun working on this piece, I am looking forward to getting back to creating smaller paintings on a more "regular" basis. 

Saturday, February 12, 2011

"Mountain Comfort"

This old truck sits parked outside of the Overland Sheepskin Company here in Taos.  I've always wanted to paint it and so I did...from a photograph taken one day while I was there treating myself to a new pair of Uggs!

"Complementary Peppers"

I haven't posted in a few days and so here is one that I did a few days ago...these guys were hanging out in the fridge and so became my next "subjects".  I'm finding that I really enjoy working with the color red.

Thursday, February 3, 2011


This is a painting of my two sons cooling off in a Minnesota lake.  I painted it from a photograph taken several years ago.  This one also being a study in reflections - with water rather than metal.

"A Doll from Coll" SOLD

This little puppet was a gift to me from my sister Colleen.  This is the second time I've painted her...and the second time she's gone to a good home.